Payroll: ACA Reporting
ACA Fines for Late Filing are Severe -- Do Not Procrastinate!
- Each full-time employee for any calendar month MUST have a Plan Start Month specified on the ACA tab in Employee Maintenance. (Previously this field was optional, it is now required.)
- When using the new Offer Codes (1L, 1M, 1N, 1O, 1P, 1Q) you MUST specify the following on the ACA tab in Employee Maintenance:
- Employee Age
- Employee Zip Code
Keystone updates for 2021 ACA filing require versions 4.1.0 and above. - Stay tuned for updates!
Keystone uses our third party vendor to print 1095-C forms and e-file 1094-C/1095-C information for both regular and self-insured employers. This page will provide assistance with entering the required ACA information into Keystone. It is your responsibility to gather this information and to assure that it is accurate. You should consult your accountant before filing ACA information.
NOTE: This is part of the complete Payroll: Year End Process.
Web Services E-File
Keystone will help you prepare and upload data to our online service partner. For a small per-employee fee have all 1095s printed and mailed to employees and E-Filed to government agencies. This option does not require registration with government agencies. This is the only option for ACA 1095 Printing and E-File.
- No need to purchase, print and mail 1094 and 1095 forms
- No registration with government required
- Certified vendor reduces legal risks
- Option for employee to re-print via email link
- Option for employer to re-print forms online
- A per-form fee is charged for this service - see chart below
Use this chart to determine if you need to file 1095s. (See:
E-File 1095 Process
Prepare for E-File
- In Keystone please verify that employee social security numbers and names are accurate. Your entire batch of 1095-C forms will be completely rejected if social security numbers and names cannot be validated by the IRS!
- Verify email addresses are accurate. While not required employees receive notification of forms via email and can optionally download a copy in addition to the mailed form.
- Update employee email addresses in Payroll: Employee File Maintenance. This gives employees direct access to forms online.
Preparing the Upload File
- Run ACA 1094-C/1095-C Export from the Web Portal Export/Filing Menu
Uploading the XML File
Select Upload to Web Portal from the Web Portal Export/Filing Menu
Link to 1095-C form (for reference ONLY):
Use this link to determine whether you must file 1095-C forms electronically
How it Works
After finalizing year end payroll data
- Select ACA 1094-C/1095-C Export from the Web Portal Export/Filing menu. These options automatically upload data to the 3rd Party Web Portal.
- From there you can setup an account (if needed)
- Finish processing following the online options.
- E-File services let you preview and adjust data before filing.
- When filing 1095s (and optionally W2s) you can choose either or both of 2 options:
- E-File Only - You will still need to print forms and distribute to your employees.
- Print and Mail Services
- With the Print and Mail services your 1095s are printed and mailed directly to employees. In addition an email is sent to each employee with an option to preview forms online.
- Verify that E-Filing has been accepted by the IRS. NOTE: 1095 filing is much more prone to rejection than W-2 filings. The most common issue is TIN (SSN) mismatches due to small errors with name spellings.
Remember it is your responsibility to verify taxes are accurately and completely filed and forms are received by employees!